Can you test domestic fire & smoke detectors?

Yes. Domestic fire detection is covered by a different British Standard than the commercial detection systems, BS5839-6:2019 (part 6, 2019 update). The service and maintenance part is quite vague, saying that they should be maintained in line with manufacturers recommendations. Each will vary slightly and you’ll be able to find Read more…

Why are there different types of fire extinguisher?

Different types of fires have different characteristics. What they are fueled by significantly alters how they must be extinguished. The different extinguishers are then located in different areas of the building to ensure that the risks of that area are sufficiently covered.

How do you dispose of a fire extinguisher?

Fire extinguishers must be disposed of by a competent person. If they are under pressure they are extremely dangerous and should never be placed in general waste. The contents must be disposed of in different ways depending on what they are. The bodies, once empty and unpressurised, are mostly metal Read more…

Can you refill extinguishers?

Mostly, yes, although it depends on the type. Refilling Dry Powder extinguishers is not straightforward as the valves require cleaning to make sure the power has not contaminated it on discharge. Aerosol-type extinguishers are sealed and cannot be serviced. For some types, it’s cheaper to buy new & recycle the Read more…